Stress attack...

So I am having a proper anxiety attack today - I have come home after two years and realised that my mother who has been by herself for nearly all of the year whilst my father renovates their new house, is two steps away from appearing in hoarders. In fact if their house was not a seven bedroom, three storey house I think she would be on hoarders. 

I am typing this post to stop from having a fight with my mother about it, as my husband is begging me not to start anything. I am torn between wanting to get a garage bag and start tossing things out, to wanting to go home and start throwing things out or having a shower. I have already lied down and cried and now I am just sitting still and staring, trying not to get upset at the piles of rubbish everywhere. It's not that she has disgusting leftover rubbish, it's more just junk - VCR tapes, stuffed toys, cards, photo frames and multiple office supplies. 

Every corner is filled to waist level of junk. We had a friend come with us and I am truly mortified about the state of this house. I have no idea what to do and the whole thing is stressing me to no end. Anyways I think I will take the shower option and try to spark some conversation that isn't going to start WW3. If you have any tips on how to calmly talk to hoarders please leave in the comments below!


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