Nearly that time of year again....

So like most teachers that are out there, I like to whinge that it is nearly the end of the school holidays. Instead of feeling like the glass is half full and realising I have one whole week of freedom left  -  I look at the to do list. The things I promised myself to do over the summer break to make my life easier, better and a more efficient teacher. Thus far it is list 10 - me 0.

So as now that I feel that the fun in the sun is over, I look at a week of getting by butt into gear.

If you are like me and staring at at a barrel of never ending things to do for school, maybe we need to shake up that line of thinking. It's not the work that needs to get ready but us, because if we look and feel good, then surely we are better for it!

1) Book a hair appointment - you know you will have no time in the next few weeks, so get it over and done with now. If you have time book a mani and pedi as well and possibly an eyebrow wax. My school has a high turn around of the students, so I meet new kids every year, and whilst I'm not there to make " friends" it doesn't hurt to make a good professional first impression.

2) Wardrobe fix up - it's back to sensible, professional, clean clothing, so time to move the swimmers and shorts further down the wardrobe rack and get your pro gear out and ready! Throw out anything that doesn't fit or seem appropriate any more and make sure everything is conformable! Fashionista's might take this time to plan a few outfits out and have everything together and ready. I am rushed in the morning getting myself, a four year and dog ready and two of us out the door, so forward planning is the way to go.

3) Check your work emails - at leat one work idea had to get in here, but you do not want to be spending the first PD back ( that's for coffee and catch up!! :) reading through all your emails, especially if it's something that has to be dealt with straight away. Plus brownie points from your boss for making an effort during the break! 

4) Food ready - if you are like me and run a busy house hold, now is the time to start thinking about shopping and getting lunches together. I like to be super healthy during the week and planing ahead is the only way I can accomplish that goal. Make sure you have lots of snacks and it doesn't hurt to have  some things that you can leave at work.

5) Stationary order - I always feel more together and professional when I have all my stationary new and shiny and ready to go. Pens, textas, pencils and new case - whatever floats your boat. If you are a little nerdy like me than this will help you get a excited for first day back - just because you get to use your new things! 

Most of all try to remember we do have one week back and us teachers are awesome at a hard yet rewarding job! 

Happy last week of the summer break!! Only ten weeks to go until the next one!!  :)



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