Sleep training...

was having a conversation with a friend who is pregnant with their second child and she commented that she really hopes they get a sleeper this time. Thinking I was being helpful I suggested that second time round you are more relaxed so things tend to fall into place, this of course did not go over well as I realise I was suggesting that they were stressed first time round. Several comments later it made me think about the different approaches parents take with sleep and sleep training and the different opinions about various methods. So as a mum who went to sleep rehab with my darling son and worked very hard to get him into a sleep routine, I am not going to add to the many varying sleep styles and methods you could attempt, but I did want to suggest 5 mottos to live by when trying to find something that works for you! 

1. Never give up... It took me 5 weeks to create a sleep routine for my little gem. It was hard work, constant and tiring. My husband was great help but he did have his day job to attend too so a lot was left up to me. Constantly remind yourself that you can and you will!
2. Stick to a routine... I'm not going to tell you what to do but I am going to say that it has to be consistent and not to moderate anything for at least 3 weeks. Mum and dad need to be on the same page so make sure that you pick a method that you are both comfortable doing. 
3. Believe in yourself... No one knows your bub like you do, so you know what is best in the end. Take advice on board but you are the one dealing with the late nights and early  mornings so choose what is best for you. 
4. Routine is important... But it is good to remember to shake things up- kids need to learn to be adaptable and it's important to not let them rule your life completely! Good compromises can be teaching your child to sleep in a pram or on a couch.
5. Never apologize... You need to stand by your decisions and that means never saying sorry for wanting to stick to a routine or believing in what you are doing. There will be many many people with opinions they wish to impart but you know what is best for YOU and what works for YOU. Never apologize for wanting to do things your way. 

If you are in the middle of sleep training or figuring out what works for you, I hope this brings a little comfort. It took my 5 weeks to train my little one with ASD and our whole family was better for it. He's still a great sleeper and I really felt like I accomplished something afterwards. It was great for my self esteem which was at an all time low after having my son. 
Stick in there- you can do it! 


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