New start, fresh start and all that jazz...

So as with everyone on the planet, it has been a time of reflection, meditation and many talks of expectations. One could reflect on the year that has been and make promises and plans to do better but I have never been one to buy into resolutions as I feel like it is another thing that I am setting myself up to fail.

I will however look at the miles stones that have come my way this year.

There was my little gem being officially diagnosed with ASD. We have been lucky to receive the support that we need to help us move forward with his diagnosis and had the slight comfort that it wasn’t us as parents that was contributing to the negative and frustrating behaviour running rife in our house. It was devastating of course as no one wants to hear that their child is not neurotypical and that there are challenges a head. We have our dark days and I can see more and more the impact that this will have on his life but I pray as the talk of being tolerant and accepting is tossed around that when his is older it will be more than just talk.

My husband officially confronted his demons with the help of an intervention and finally took the step to be medicated to help him with his depression and anxiety. This has proved to be successful and I am hopeful that we can get everything back on track.

I had a rough year teaching and as hard as it is to admit I needed help – thankfully with the support of my faculty these issues were resolved. I was slightly over worked and found the students this year to be hard work  and unfortunately chocolate was the only cure (damn says my personal trainer!). My health has been the worst it has been in a long time and whilst I have ended the year with no serious illness, it was scary to be in the age bracket where blood work is taken to ensure that no nasty lurking sickness is not present (cancer please continue to stay away!). I ended the year with a chest infection and even though I don’t make  new year resolutions my husband is making one for me insisting that my health is priority this year.

A year of many miles stones and experiences that I hope to not have again, I don’t see this as a reflection as much as it is a letting go and trying to move forward.

To end ill go over all the clichés – why the hell not?
Onwards and upwards.
Here’s to bright things
It can only get better from here

Take each day by day


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