
Showing posts from December, 2016


So at some point during the last few months I thought it would be a great idea to get my hernia repaired. Four days before Christmas. Now that I am in pain and can barely move, I'm thinking- dumbass!! But I know long term this was the right move. I needed to get it fixed and I'll be right again soon. It's difficult to move and not tighten my stomach muscles. I'm terrified of pulling my stitches which I don't think I can do but I'm still scared. As time goes on I'll be stronger- I hope! My little one is chomping at the bit for Christmas. He's so excited we only have one day to go. Trying to make things extra special around here seeing as I can't move far! I'm thinking ice cream, movies and lots of snuggles!  Hoping you all have an amazing Christmas and holiday period. Take care and rest up!! 

Having a moment...

I'm sitting in a cafe, sipping my coffee, waiting for my pasta having a mummy moment! I'm enjoying the quiet, the time to my self and mostly not having to tell someone to sit down!! I thinks it's important and we say it time and time again, to have a moment! School is hectic this time of year- reports, celebration assembly, graduation and this crazy notion I develop that sleep is for the weak and I can do it all! Throw in my son's birthday, family visits, Christmas parties and general chaos and life feels very stretched at times. On top of everything I'm having a much needed hernia operation done at the end of the month and I'm petrified!  So I'm going to enjoy this moment- I hope you find one to enjoy too!