One of those weekends....

Ended last week with a few really big days. Pretty exhausting after a week of work and day care! I dragged my darling child for a catch up lunch in Sydney- we spent nearly five hours in the car driving! The next day I hosted a last minute Tupperware party to help a friend out who is starting up her business. Then a sun spent afternoon watching cricket.

My poor darling had his play room trashed, I didn't take enough toys to cricket, plus he had to share his iPad and  I kept smothering him in sunscreen. Saturday night we had one exhausted, cranky and frankly over it 4 year old. 

Sunday was spent putting out spot fires as he was done!

Lesson learnt- it's difficult to drag Nuero- typical kids around without consequences- even more so with my little ASDer. 

I prepped him better for today and will keep working at it. Life lessons!! 


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