Totally stuck...

I have to admit that this week I am totally uninspired. I think I am in a rut. A cranky, tired, sore nose, sneezing rut.

I have so much but so little to say this week and as much as I don’t really have a deadline to  my writing my new dedication of an article a week for my blog is totally out the window only two weeks in. EPIC FAIL.

So this weekend was much better than the last one – no meltdown in the street with shop owners checking the security out the front of their premises, so that was a win. Visit to kmart happened – so that was a win. Built a chair from kmart and only had one screw left over so that really was a big win.

Found myself out to dinner and the movies on Saturday night – so again feel like I am winning. Dinner was great, good company and I have to say I definitely don’t think that Bad Moms 2 deserves the bad reviews because I thought it was hilarious.  I thoroughly enjoyed my night out. Except for a random voice message from my mum but that really is a long story or potential blog post.

Lunch on Sunday was great and watched my son play indoor soccer. Feeling like a broken record of good, great, winning.

So why the rut?

Thinking it might be school stress but sometimes I think that is cope out- an easy way to explain the feelings of grey. I really do think I am getting sick, but that again is an easy out.

I have noises in my head the last few days and it’s getting to be an overwhelming feeling of grey – I like that – just grey, no colours.

So I will end this here – I am trying to lift the game this week. Especially as my little ASDer is on fire – he really and truly is doing great! So I’m hoping to jump up and meet him there.

If you are still with me  - let me know what colours are popping for you this week!


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