End of Year...

I have been meaning to write a few blogs on how to stay sane during the busy school marking season, or end of year traditions to try and implement but needless to say that I needed to take my own advice as I was snowed under with work. My new tradition became falling asleep in front of TV Friday night, as I was exhausted from a busy week at school. Throw in Christmas, my son’s birthday, graduation and a hernia operation (my sons not mine again)  term four was pretty full on.

So in light of any words of wisdom, I think I will just do a top 3 of 2017.

On a side note, I was looking through my memories on Facebook and it's interesting to see that I declared 2014 and 2015 as rough years and hoped for better. Can't say that 2017 was any better but I am really confident with the changes we have made this year that 2018 will be a better year

Top 3

1) Promotion at work. I work in such a small school that promotions rarely become available and it was exciting that an Assistant Curriculum Coordinator role was created. I was lucky enough to apply and get the position but it felt like a good time in my career to take on more responsibility, especially as I am now working full time. The position has been challenging as it was a new role but with great support from the Curriculum Coordinator, I am in a role where I get to work on what I love best about my job – curriculum and planning great teaching strategies. I am helping write and coordinate an all school literacy writing program which is inspired by PD I participated in and can’t wait to see what the students can do with it!

2) My son smashed Kindergarten. I was always worried that my little champion would struggle for the first year of school – change in routine, new faces, long days, the idea of kindergarten seemed daunting and scary. I worried about his learning, his well-being, his temper, being bullied, being left out – there is so much to stress about! But he did so well – his teacher assured me that he fit in so well and has a good group of friends, he was invited to several parties so that was promising. He received three awards including an academic achievement award for the whole year and he is generally happy and excited to go to school!  I will always worry about him but he is off to such an amazing start.

3) As crazy as it sounds my husband stopping work. His journey and experience have not been a high for 2017 but the changes that have been forced, I think were. I look at what has happened as an opportunity, he is still 37 years young and I’m glad we addressed his PSTD now when he still has so many choices and opportunities to focus on his health and think about the next new chapter in his life. He still has a long way to go before we focus on his next career – getting out the house for long periods of time is a start – but I think with the right support and therapy he can get there and I am so proud of him for standing up, admitting that he needs help and taking the plunge to stop work. His doctor had warned us that one of the biggest issues he will face is a loss of identity. I never realised how much a job can define who you are especially as we try to live with the “ work to live, not live to work” mentality, but this experience has shown me that taking a break and refocusing isn’t always the easiest option but I’m relieved and happy that he is giving everything a chance to heal and redirect.

So that’s my top three – in true fashion this should have been up a week ago but for the first time in five years I have actually just stopped!

Not for long though!


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