End of the term...

This term has gone so quickly! It's been my first of working four days, starting a drama department and being a school mum! It's taken a while to get into the swing of things but I'm finally fairly confident I can survive! 

I am looking forward to the break and spending time with my little man. 

Here are my top 5 things I'm looking forward to doing! Hope you get a bit of inspiration! 

1) A gear and pulley project. Ambitious for sure but we read a book about gears and he's so excited to try it out. It's much simpler than I thought and I've enlisted Grandad to help. Will post pictures of the progress. 

2) Doing a photo collage. My son has become obsessed with stories and histories so I'm hoping to get a few pictures together and work on our family tree. 

3) Project 100- this is actually a school project but he has really gotten into it. We could collect anything to represent 100 but I printed off 100 squares on an A3 sheet. He is filling in each row of ten slowly with different things- stamps, stickers, buttons. It's fun and a fabulous learning tool. 

4) Learn the soccer rules! I somehow got myself into the role of soccer coach for my son's team so I need to work on learning my rules and team plays! Love to run around with my little side kick. If soccer's not your things try cricket, football or even netball. It's great to go over rules and teach our kids about sport! 

5) Pedicure and movies- time out for me! 

Hope you have a great break too- list your holiday adventures below- can't wait to hear about them! 


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