End of the term...
This term has gone so quickly! It's been my first of working four days, starting a drama department and being a school mum! It's taken a while to get into the swing of things but I'm finally fairly confident I can survive! I am looking forward to the break and spending time with my little man. Here are my top 5 things I'm looking forward to doing! Hope you get a bit of inspiration! 1) A gear and pulley project. Ambitious for sure but we read a book about gears and he's so excited to try it out. It's much simpler than I thought and I've enlisted Grandad to help. Will post pictures of the progress. 2) Doing a photo collage. My son has become obsessed with stories and histories so I'm hoping to get a few pictures together and work on our family tree. 3) Project 100- this is actually a school project but he has really gotten into it. We could collect anything to represent 100 but I printed off 100 squares on an A3 sheet. He is filling...