
I had a conversation with a neighbour a few days ago and it's both annoyed and complexed me. He had heard through the rumour mill that I was a teacher. He asked my husband whilst he was mowing the lawn if I could help his daughter with maths. Rather than turn him away my husband called me out and I got stuck in an awkward and strange conversation.

After I explained that I was an English teacher and thoroughly reassured him this meant I really couldn't help with maths (" so you can't like just tutor some maths?") (" no really I'm actually pretty bad at maths") he asked me if I know any maths teachers. Contrary to popular belief teachers don't know every teacher on the coast  and we don't all hang out together in a room doing weird teacher things (at least I don't!), the only maths teacher I know is the one who I work with. Now although she is a fabulous maths teacher as a full time teacher and full time mum and travelling 40 minutes to work I really don't think tutoring is something she wants to add to her agenda. I said as much as and was met with a tirade of how terrible his daughter's maths teacher is. I should interject at this point and state this person is a neighbour not a friend and I really didn't feel it was my place to pass comment on his daughter's situation- I don't know her teacher so I can't comment on what's happening. 

So 20 minutes of my life wasted- I'm not really sure how what should have been a two minute no sorry I'm not a maths teacher I can't helped turned into such a suck of my time. In an effort to end this conversation where I was steadily being made to feel that this situation was my fault (seriously repeating your problem several times isn't going to change the fact I'm terrible at maths) I suggested a tutoring service. I was asked do I know any- I'm like no I don't need them- it's called Google people- he then commented that those places are so expensive. Well what did he expect? You are getting one on one teaching. I told him that I think most of them are $40 an hour. 

Now first of all I get paid roughly that. I'm not saying it a bad wage but I understand why a tuition centre charges that. 

Teachers are on an award wage. It's what we studied hard to be worth. Secondly you expected me to work for less than that? Then later on reflection I got really cranky about this. Not only was I made to feel like it's my lot in life to help you with your problems with the school you chose to send your kid to but now you expect me to fix your issues for free? Or even more insulting like $10? I went to university for a reason! To get a decent job and be paid what I am worth. 

I asked around and most people felt tutoring services prices were over priced and they would pay $25 for an hour for extra help- from an experienced teacher. I pay $16 for 30 minute swimming lessons- in a class, $15 for karate lessons in a class why are teachers given much less consideration for one on one help? 

So I suggest if you need help with your kids education first of all talk to the school. They are your school and it's their job to help. If you need a tutor don't insult a teacher by arguing what they are worth because they are worth it. 


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