One of those days.. Weeks really...

I have really been struggling over the last few days as I have become overwhelmed by mundane and simple tasks. My anxiety has crept up on me like a dentist appointment you make and then wish you hadn't and I haven't been in a good frame of mind. 

Everyone suffers when I get like this,  most of all my little ASDer who has no idea his endless questions are driving me to the brink. If I hear him comment one more time he wants something else to eat (after consuming half the pantry) I might just walk out. Especially as the yelling and losing it doesn't make me feel any better. 

So I'm human at the end of the day and need to remind myself of a few things: 
1) My child will love me even if I yell.
2) It is essential to learn to ask for help- I can't do it all myself and nobody expects me too! 
3)You can break a few rules when you need to- take away, letting them have their toys, not brushing teeth. Sometimes it's not about the fight but showing compromise and the ability to work with your kid not against them. 
4) Not everything has to be a lesson- you can stop putting pressure on yourself. 
5) Who your child is in that moment is not inductive of who they will be for the rest their lives. Take each moment as they come- day by day. 


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