The Problem with Tiles….
My husband recently rang me after running some errands with our son. He was very frazzled and needed some calming down. Our darling ASDer had tested his limits in the shopping centre walking in strange patterns and running into people. My husband was carrying the groceries and couldn't quite keep up and got very annoyed at our child's lack of direction or walking in a straight line. Or looking up for that matter. I talked him through it (my husband has PSTD, so things like this can set him off) and agreed that D was a monster to take on errands and that he was ok at being frustrated at the whole experience. After that event, I visited the same shopping centre and found myself looking at the ground. I asked my husband who was with me if D had been walking like this and proceeded to walk in diagonal lines seeming haphazard but actually in a set pattern. My husband watched me and said yes that was exactly what he had been doing. I pointed out th...